
The Trials, Tribulations and Sparks of a Petite Bronzed British Pakistani Muslim Girl..

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To all those broken or hopeless, I have learned this:

Be grateful for every single person who was part of your story.

The ones that hurt you.

The ones that helped you.

The ones that came, and the ones that left.

They all taught you.

Don’t think for a moment that any of it was random.

There are no oversights with God.

Only perfectly crafted chapters in each unique journey.

~Yasmin Mogahed

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Reclaim your heart – Yasmin Mogahed

So I have started reading an amazing book called ‘Reclaim your heart’ which has helped me to understand the basic fundamental of how I should be living in this world. As a Muslim we believe that this life is merely a test and our final destination is to meet our creator however what I am going to write will not only help the Muslims but everyone who wants to break their bonds from attachments.

She explained how not only is water the substance necessary to survive but it also can end a life if you drown in it. The same sea which holds boats afloat can also shatter these boats. This life is like the sea, and our hearts are the ships. We use the sea as a means to get to our final destination, it is a means for seeking food, travel and for a higher purpose. We are passing through it not to remain in it. As long as the sea’s water lives outside of the ship we shall float along. As soon as it starts to creep in the boat will ultimately sink. The water inside is in control of the ship and becomes mercy to the sea. 

“Detachment is not that you should own nothing, but that nothing should own you!” Ali (ra)

This incident happened before I read this book. When I was putting air into my tyre my iphone5 (a month old) fell on the floor and the screen smashed into little pieces, at this very moment I was going to cry (sharp pain in my heart). I thought to myself “Your crying over a phone which has no value to you as a person but a means to make calls nothing more and nothing less, I am thankfully okay and that is all which matters stop being dependent on other things” As soon as I thought this I felt lighter and didn’t think of the phone. This is why we struggle because  we believe that we cannot live without these items around us (people, possessions, career, social aspects..etc). It’s only because we don’t see the bigger picture, to meet our creator is our final purpose. We must also realise that nothing happens without a purpose. Nothing. Not even broken hearts. Not even pain. That broken heart and that pain are lessons and signs for us. They are warnings that something is wrong. They are warning that we need to make a change.


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Har khamoshi …

Har khamoshi ka matlab inkaar nahi hota
Har nakamyabi ka matlab haar nahi hota
Toh kya hua agar hum tume na paa sake
Sirf paane ka matlab pyar nahi hota…

Every silence is not always a no,
Every failure is not a always a loss,
What does it matter that I could not have you,
Just to have someone doesnt always mean  love…